Your Canidates

Paul Bravo
Paul Bravo is the founder and sole proprietor of CFT Tax, an Edison, New Jersey based
business. Mr. Bravo is a licensed tax professional specializing in income tax preparation
for individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations. His extensive experience in
preparing income tax returns and continuing tax education has enabled him to assist his
clients navigate the complex U.S. tax code. He can provide IRS representation as
needed. He has been in business since 1996.
Mr. Bravo is an active supporter of his community and often provides tax services to
seniors and individuals with a low income. He represents District 18 and he is the
Treasurer of the Edison Republican Committee. He has been a resident of Edison
since 1993.
Paul is a communicant of Guardian Angel’s Roman Catholic Church in Edison.

Thomas W. Comollo,
I am running for Edison Municipal Council. I am running for an office of public service to be a public
servant in a country whose Declaration of Independence declares that we are all equal and that our
Creator has bestowed upon us unalienable rights that include Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of
Happiness (paraphrased). I believe these words, and I am also not without credentials for those who
count such things.
I am Thomas Comollo, PhD. I have my doctorate in Biomedical Science from Rutgers University’s
Graduate School of Biomedical Science at New Jersey medical school, and I am a 15 year resident of
Edison, NJ where I live with my wife. I believe in God and that power comes from those governed to
the government. I want a small scope of government reach, and limited taxation and government
spending so that we can save these resources for when we really need them. I view the current tax cuts
in Edison as a good thing that would be even better if we could do that without borrowing money, as
was approved even recently by the Council at the September 13, 2023, Municipal Council Meeting,
with further bond issuances being discussed by members of the current Council. I believe Edison can
keep the tax break and reduce debt to put us in a position where we may even be able to help others in
our area if this uncertain world takes an unexpected more dire turn, allowing us to emerge even more
prosperous in this country of opportunity.
I am an Assistant Professor at a private NYC University and an Adjunct Professor at a public NJ
University. I have taught in Biology Departments at several other colleges and universities as well.
Prior to these teaching roles I completed four years of postdoctoral work and training in the
Pharmacology Department at an Ivy league medical school in NYC.
As a scientist I use my multidisciplinary background in experimental and computational approaches to
Biology to achieve my goal of having a positive impact on society. My research includes studies in ion
channels, electrophysiology and calcium handling in the heart, and computationally assisted drug
discovery. Recent drug discovery projects include my “obligatory” project to find potential
therapeutics against the virus that causes COVID19, ion channel inhibitors that may be useful in
treatment of atrial fibrillation or cancer, and most recently, inhibitors of specific voltage gated Na+
channels as non-opioid analgesics. I have two international patents from structure-based drug
discovery efforts. I am also a peer reviewed author, having published in journals such as Biochemistry,
Frontiers in Physiology, Scientific Reports, and Channels. As a hobby, I have a drug discovery LLC
(FSDP LLC). I also moonlight at a local hotel as the night auditor. I have been working since he was
16 years old. Even before that I mowed my parent’s lawn. My prior employment of note includes that
as an Emergency Medical Technician and a Laboratory Technologist, performing COVID19 qPCR
I am hard working and multitalented. I would bring this work ethics and the government and civics
knowledge of one who has moved beyond their Bachelor’s Degree from one of the best History
departments in the United States (Rutgers University) to the Edison Municipal Council. This would be
coupled with advanced knowledge of Biomedical Science and an analytical mind set. These skills will
be very useful in making sure our local government does its job of taking care of its citizens without
overly infringing on any individual’s rights.

Russel Azzarello
Family Man. Patriot. Life Long Edison Resident

Jerry Shine
Patriot. Neighbor. Family Man